We have adapted to the pandemic by creating an innovative virtual and in-person hybrid event
at a beautiful new time of year to celebrate year-end traditions: The Pan American Food and Music Festival Holiday Edition
- From December 6 to 10, theONLINE Week of Christmas Celebration of the Americas will be held 2 hours a day and reach more than 30 countries internationally. During this week we will show the world our typical Christmas dishes, wonderful music, folklore, and beautiful Panamerican traditions.
- The Latin America Christmas Market will be IN-PERSONon December 11 & 12 at Canada’s famous square: Yonge-Dundas Square, which has an average daily traffic of 146,200 – pedestrians and vehicles – making it the traffic intersection with the highest number of daily visits in Canada. There, everyone will be able to buy and enjoy the variety of gastronomy, craft and delicacies of the Americas, in a fun and safe outdoor environment.
- All activities are still FREE.
- The Pan American Food & Music Festival (PANAMFEST) is Canada’s only annual festival that celebrates the Western Hemisphere’s rich diversity of cuisine, music and art.
- The ninth annual PANAM FEST will be presented from December 6 to 12, 2021
- This free event is presented annually in Toronto to reinforce the growing cultural identity shared among Canadians and the 41 other countries of North, Central and South America and the Caribbean.
- The Festival is produced by ArtsXplosion, a non-profit cultural organization based in Toronto. ArtsXplosion has successfully delivered 8 editions of the Pan American Food & Music Festival, where the Americas showcased their incredible food diversity and cultural richness.